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Resources and Publication

In the rapidly evolving landscape of business process management, process mining has emerged as a powerful tool for organizations seeking to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and gain valuable insights into their processes. By analyzing event data logs and extracting knowledge from operational systems, process mining offers data-driven transparency, process discovery, and performance improvement opportunities. To help you delve into the world of process mining, here are lists of essential resources and books that can equip you with the knowledge to leverage this transformative technology.

Recommended Books

Process Mining: Data Science in Action" by Wil van der Aalst

This foundational book introduces the concepts, techniques, and applications of process mining, making it an excellent resource for beginners and professionals alike. This book provides an in-depth exploration of process mining, offering a comprehensive overview of the principles, techniques, and practical applications of this emerging field. Authored by Wil van der Aalst, a prominent figure in the process mining domain, the book is designed for a wide audience, including business analysts, data scientists, process managers, and researchers.

Apart from theoretical aspects, "Process Mining: Data Science in Action" provides practical guidance on how to apply process mining techniques in real-world scenarios. It covers various process mining software tools and illustrates case studies across different industries, demonstrating the transformative impact of process mining on various business processes.

Overall, the book serves as a comprehensive and accessible guide to process mining, enabling readers to harness the power of data science to gain valuable insights, optimize processes, and drive business improvements.

Get the book from Springer here.

Process Mining: Discovery, Conformance, and Enhancement of Business Processes

This book delves into the different aspects of process mining, covering process discovery, conformance checking, and process enhancement, presenting valuable insights for process analysts and practitioners. Authored by W.M.P. van der Aalst and C.W. Gunther, the book is tailored for business process analysts, researchers, process managers, and graduate students seeking to leverage process mining techniques to optimize and streamline their business processes.

Throughout the book, practical applications and case studies are presented, showcasing real-world scenarios where process mining has been successfully implemented. The authors also discuss process mining software tools, enabling readers to understand the practical implementation of the techniques described.

In conclusion, "Process Mining: Discovery, Conformance, and Enhancement of Business Processes" is an essential resource that provides a comprehensive understanding of process mining's core principles and its transformative impact on business processes. With a focus on discovery, conformance, and enhancement, the book equips professionals and researchers with the tools they need to unlock the full potential of process mining for organizational success and continuous improvement.

Get the book from Springer here.

Process Mining in Action

This book by Lars Reinkemeyer describes process mining use cases and business impact along the value chain, from corporate to local applications, representing the state of the art in domain know-how. Providing a set of industrial case studies and best practices, it complements academic publications on the topic. Further, the book reveals the challenges and failures in order to offer readers practical insights and guidance on how to avoid the pitfalls and ensure successful operational deployment.

The book is divided into three parts: Part I provides an introduction to the topic from fundamental principles to key success factors and an overview of operational use cases. Part II presents detailed use cases written by contributors from a variety of functions and industries. Lastly, Part III provides a brief overview of the future of process mining, both from academic and operational perspectives.

Get the book from Springer here.

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