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Retail & Fashion Industry


1. Challenges in the Textile and Clothing Industry:

The industry has seen several traditional companies go bankrupt due to struggles with the costly expansion of their distribution network and a shift towards online sales. Successful companies have invested in multi-channel strategies and individualized customer approaches to stay competitive.

2. Importance of Process Mining in 2019:

Efficient control and monitoring of the supply chain through process mining technology have become essential for reducing costs, optimizing processes, and maintaining competitiveness. It is setting new business processes and models in the fashion industry.

3. Strategic Importance of Purchasing in Clothing Companies:

Purchasing is gaining strategic importance, working closely with various departments to streamline and coordinate the supply chain. Reducing the complexity of purchasing processes and achieving greater transparency is crucial.

4. Role of Process Mining Technology:

It enables cross-system evaluation of data in real-time and visualization of process chains, optimizing the purchasing process in its entirety. It brings together information from various IT systems to provide world-class customer service to fashion shoppers.

5. Challenges in Data Collection and Process Analysis:

Small and medium-sized clothing companies face challenges in data collection due to the lack of standardized systems, making the expense of data modeling much higher. Process mining brings about new cross-system transparency that helps identify potential for automation and advance operational purchasing.

6. Transparent Supply Chain Management:

Monitoring purchasing processes along the supply chain is beneficial for companies to react earlier and more rationally to changes in the supply chain, providing an objective, fact-based basis for buyers.

7. Sustainable Optimization of Purchasing Processes:

Process mining could play an integral role in identifying possible inefficiencies throughout each stage in a process flow, providing a sustainably improved supply chain development and allowing the measurement of process key figures.

8. The Future of Textile Buying with Process Mining:

Process mining has the potential to make revolutionary contributions to consumer shopping and operational fluidity in the fashion industry, providing a complete process perspective on the otherwise fragmented value chain and overcoming the limitations of Business Intelligence (BI).

9. Impact on the Fashion Apparel Industry:

The use of process mining technology in the fashion apparel industry could help strengthen a market sector grappling with digital transformation on many fronts, by providing insights and optimizations based on real-time data analysis.

Links for further reading,optimize%20workflows%20and%20drive%20efficiency.

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